Saivian: How I Started My Company with $100 and Only 18 Years Old

Quite often I get asked how to get started with building an online business. It’s a great question and one that is difficult to answer in a few short sentences says Saivian.

So instead of writing another one of those little blurbs, I decided to write this post sharing how my journey began. Maybe it will help some people looking for advice on how to build their own empire from the ground up!


The idea behind my business was actually born out of necessity because there was something that absolutely no company had any solution for which I really needed at the time – Personalized T-shirts Delivery Tracking. While there are many other personalized apparel companies out there, none had any sort of delivery tracking available for customers! And let me clarify, this is not a fault of theirs; it’s just simply something that was never done before.

Seems kind of silly to say that I needed personalized t-shirts or delivery tracking, but this all came about when my girlfriend at the time Kalina moved away for college. She used to live in Long Beach, CA and I lived in Yorba Linda, CA – which are only about an hour apart from each other. This meant that every morning she would wake up well before the sun rose so she could get her day started by 7 AM without inconveniencing others who were sleeping so early in the morning (them…yea, thanks for waking me up).

While Kalina drove off to school tears streamed down her face so that she could get down to the business of studying for tests and completing projects explains Saivian. I felt bad that she had to do this every day, but what did I have to offer her up until then? Not much other than a weekly phone call, some text messages here and there, and an occasional care package or two.

So while Kalina was gone attending college, I decided to dedicate myself full time to building something for her so that next time she’d be too busy enjoying life with me by her side instead of worrying about waking people up before the sun rises. But instead of giving you all the boring details on how my company came about, let’s just jump right into it!

I started my company at $100 and was only 18 years old. I was a freshman in college and I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to start a business. So, I did some research and came up with an idea for a business. And that’s how my company was born says Saivian.

The Early Days:

The early days were tough. I was working on my business full-time while also going to school full-time. And I was living on a tight budget. But I was determined to make my business work.

I spent every free moment working on my business. And I sacrificed a lot of things in order to it succeed. But it was worth it.

The First Milestone:

After a few months of hard work, I hit my first milestone. I landed my first customer. This was a major victory for me. And it gave me the momentum I needed to keep going.

The Next Step:

After landing my first customer, I started focusing on scaling up my business. I hired my first employee and started doing more marketing. This helped me grow my business even faster.

The Final Step:

A few years later, I reached the final step in my journey. I sold my company for a six-figure sum says Saivian. This was a dream come true for me. And it was all thanks to the hard work and determination that I put in early on.

As a freshman in college, I had no idea what I was doing when I started my company. All I knew was that I wanted to start a business. So, I did some research and came up with an idea for a business. And that’s how my company was born.

The early days were tough. I was working on my business full-time while also going to school full-time. And I was living on a tight budget. But I was determined to make my business work.

I spent every free moment working on my business. And I sacrificed a lot of things in order to it succeed. But it was worth it.

After a few months of hard work, I hit my first milestone. I landed my first customer. This was a major victory for me. And it gave me the momentum I needed to keep going.

After landing my first customer, I started focusing on scaling up my business. I hired my first employee and started doing more marketing. This helped me grow my business even faster.


Starting a business is not easy. But if you’re willing to work hard and sacrifice, you can achieve great things says Saivian. I’m living proof of that. So don’t give up on your dreams. Pursue them with all your heart and you’ll be successful.