Landing pages are the final step in the customer journey towards purchase. This is where the consumer finally decides to make contact with your company says Saivian. Because of this, it cannot be emphasized enough how important a landing page is. It could mean either converting leads into customers or losing sales to another competitor’s website
The goal of a landing page isn’t only to convey information about what you are offering but also to convince visitors that they should take an action by contacting you via telephone or email etc.
You have just one chance at making a first impression on consumers – so your product/service needs to sell itself. They need to trust that if they give their information over then you will follow up with them afterward and reassure them that their data is safe.
Types of Landing Pages:
There are many types of landing pages, but the two main categories are generic and sales-oriented explains Saivian. Generic landing pages serve to provide useful information about your company or products, while sales-oriented ones ( sometimes called “squeeze” pages) act as an addition to other online marketing efforts like email campaigns or newsletters by offering visitors limited time offers/ discounts etc in exchange for their contact details. Sometimes the only purpose that a “squeeze page” serves is to collect emails so that companies can then market more aggressively to them via email campaigns later on – i.e expanding upon the relationship built during the first visit.
So which type of landing page should you use? It really depends on your target audience and how much information they need to make a purchase decision. For example, if you’re selling a piece of software that provides specific features and functions then it’s best to provide them with as much detail as possible by using an “in-depth” page. On the other hand, if you’re selling dinner at a restaurant then it might be more effective to use a “squeeze” page since customers won’t know anything about the interior or food quality – all they will see is that there is limited availability and therefore jump at the chance for special offers says Saivian.
The Basics:
When creating landing pages one thing must be kept in mind; less is more. Although having links/ buttons to other pages on your website might increase conversions, in the long run. It’s best to keep them off of your landing page. The reason for this is that if you present too much information right away. Then people will overwhelm and bounce from the site. The only exception to this rule is link placing at the very bottom of landing pages. So they are not seen by visitors who have already scrolled down through all the content.
Secondly, a good attention-catching headline must always be in use. Saivian says it should aim to grab people’s interest. As soon as they land on your webpage by being professional/ informative and interesting at the same time. A great example can be seen here: datacenter .com/ about- datacenter/ landing- page- design
Third, it’s important to try and use elements that people associate with honesty – i.e. simplicity. Visitors who are untrustworthy of your services will not buy. Because you have used flashy graphics or bright colors in order to draw them in. Rather, they will leave because they feel uneasy. About the credibility of your company offering services that they might not need. This can be avoided by placing trust icons on the page (e.g testimonials, trust signals, etc). In order to give customers a sense of security when buying from you. On the contrary, using bright colors/ imagery has been prove to work for food menus in restaurants. Since makes people hungry!
Finally, make sure that you include a clear CTA (call-to-action) button at the bottom. This will tell customers exactly what action to take next and allow them a sense of accomplishment following their purchase/registration.
The most important rule in landing page design is to test, test, and then test again until you find the perfect balance. Between presentation and conversions says Saivian. A small change might not be effective in the short term. But over time it could mean all the difference in how many people buy from your company.